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Archive through June 29, 2005

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 12:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Guilty Pleasures

I was wondering if I shd write this or not but I am sure all of you have been thro' a similar situations and may be this will inspire you all to write something too.

Ravi Shastri :-)

I was very proud of him. After we won the Benson and Hedges trophy and I was not even 10, I was already liking a cool dude with a hot car! Pretty soon, my pleasure turned to gulit and all my cousins, friends started making fun of me. I was still not ready to change my loyalties to more reliable Vengsarkar or Gavaskar or even Shrikant and shastri's performance was getting worse by the day. I would then, publically make fun of him and really feel guilty abt it later on! Sachin's entry into the team made way for a new cricket idol but I pretty much never stopped liking shastri. Even today, I listen to every word he says. :-)

Govinda, Will Ferrell, Austin Powers

I couldn't believe that I was watcing 'aankhe' and actually liking it. Was I supposed to laugh at the silly jokes? or the double meaning one liners? But it was pretty much love at first sight. I then watched all of Govind's movies. Simply loved the music. Where do u see such gr8 works like, "mai saayakal se jaa rahaa tha, une moTar se aa rahii thii".. now I am much better off ignoring his movies but I have replaced him with Will Ferrell. Simply loved him in 'Anchorman'... can hardly wait for the sequal. There was a 'best of Will Ferrell' on E! where they showed some of his best SNL works and I even watched the reruns!!!

Liking Austin Powers was not that easy. He was funny and creative (?) alright, but he often crossed the limits for me. I have to thank for Grad school room mate far making me find the 'art'(!) in austin powers. By the time 'Goldmember' was released, I was in line for the first show along with my room mate!!!

Beyoance, Black eyed peas, outkast, speakerboxx, etc....

These ppl don't make gr8 music by any standard (my own standard really... as they have won Grammys), but I just love the 'naughty girl' or 'the way you more' or 'redneck woman' ... I simply love 50 cent's 'we gonaa party like its ur birthday' and I thank god that I have the 'clean' version.

I can really go on on abt things I like but feel bad about it, but there is this one last thing... :-)


The day this becomes more of a guilt and less of a pleasure, I will be out of here. :-) I know that some of u are already waiting for that day!! ~D ;-)

Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 2:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Sizzle, Yes, but Beef, Too

Published: April 22, 2005

ew York Times columnists are not allowed to endorse U.S. presidential candidates. Only the editorial page does that. But in checking the columnist rule book, I couldn't find any ban on endorsing a candidate for prime minister of Britain. So I'm officially rooting for Tony Blair.

I've never met Mr. Blair. But reading the British press, it strikes me that he's not much loved by Fleet Street. He's not much loved by the left wing of his own Labor Party either, and he certainly doesn't have any supporters on the Conservative benches. Yet he seems to be heading for re-election to a third term on May 5.

Indeed, I believe that history will rank Mr. Blair as one of the most important British prime ministers ever - both for what he has accomplished at home and for what he has dared to do abroad. There is much the U.S. Democratic Party could learn from Mr. Blair.

First, you don't have to be a conservative to be a conviction politician. For years Mr. Blair was derided by the press as "Tony Blur" - a man of no fixed principles, all sizzle and no beef, who dressed up the Labor Party as "New Labor," like putting lipstick on a pig, but never really made the hard choices or changes. The reality is quite different.

In deciding to throw in Britain's lot with President Bush on the Iraq war, Mr. Blair not only defied the overwhelming antiwar sentiment of his own party, but public opinion in Britain generally. "Blair risked complete self-immolation on a principle," noted Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, a pro-Democratic U.S. think tank.

Remember, in the darkest hours of the Iraq drama, when things were looking disastrous (and there have been many such hours), Mr. Bush could always count on the embrace of his own party and the U.S. conservative media machine and think tanks.

Tony Blair, by contrast, dined alone. He had no real support group to fall back on. I'm not even sure his wife supported him on the Iraq war. (I know the feeling!) Nevertheless, Mr. Blair took a principled position to depose Saddam and keep Britain tightly aligned with America. He did so, among other reasons, because he believed that the advance of freedom and the defeat of fascism - whether Islamo-fascism or Nazi fascism - were quintessential and indispensable "liberal" foreign policy goals.

The other very real thing Mr. Blair has done is to get the Labor Party in Britain to firmly embrace the free market and globalization - sometimes kicking and screaming. He has reconfigured Labor politics around a set of policies designed to get the most out of globalization and privatization for British workers, while cushioning the harshest side effects, rather than trying to hold onto bankrupt Socialist ideas or wallowing in the knee-jerk antiglobalism of the reactionary left.

The strong British economy that Mr. Blair and his deft finance minister, Gordon Brown, have engineered has led to spending on health and education - as well as on transportation and law and order - that has increased "much faster than under the Conservatives," The Financial Times noted on Wednesday. "The result has been numerous new and refurbished schools, dozens of new hospitals, tens of thousands of extra staff and much new equipment."

And these improvements, which still have a way to go, have all been accomplished so far with few tax increases. The vibrant British economy and welfare-to-work programs have, in turn, resulted in the lowest unemployment in Britain in 30 years. This has led to higher tax receipts and helped the government pay down its national debt. This, in turn, has saved money on both interest and welfare benefits - money that has been plowed back into services, The Financial Times explained.

In sum, Tony Blair has redefined British liberalism. He has made liberalism about embracing, managing and cushioning globalization, about embracing and expanding freedom - through muscular diplomacy where possible and force where necessary - and about embracing fiscal discipline.

Along the way, he has deftly eviscerated the Conservatives, leaving them with only their most fringe policies - another reason American Democrats could learn a lot from him. Their own ambivalence toward globalization and the new New Deal our country needs to make more Americans educated and employable in a world without walls, and their own ambivalence toward muscular diplomacy, cost Democrats just enough votes in the American center to allow a mistake-prone Bush team to squeak by in 2004. So if Mr. Blair does win in the U.K., I sure hope that Democrats in the U.S. are taking notes.

Friday, April 29, 2005 - 2:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

kala ra~I jao laonaÜ var jaona ÔÜMDa hÜtI. tXaI baaš KmakI. iktIÆ to itca pustk vaacalaM kI kLola. pNa itca ek vaa@ya malaa disturb kÉna gaolaM. jao itcyaa navaáyaaMivaYayaI ³hÜÊ Anaok vacana´ baÜlat hÜta AaiNa ivaYaya ksaa trI itcyaa ba_la Aalaa. jao mhNaalaaÊ you seem so secure, independent and strong woman AaiNa %yaavar jaona mhNaalaI yes jay, but you don't know what happens behind the closed doors of a house. woman are entirely different .

AaiNa in Forrest Gump [XTašlaÊ That is all I have to say about that! :-)

Monday, May 02, 2005 - 1:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

I must thank lalu for giving me some brain food early monday morning. The blues, pretty much make thinking impossible. :-). If I were to think about the first article she gave, in terms of India, I have to say that most of it is not valid there. Ofcourse, depends, where you are standing and which way you are looking. Just talking in terms of % and ignoring all the class distinctions, We indians, still believe in the system of marriage. We don't have childern outside of wedlock, the division of labour is still the same as it was centuries ago (may be harder for woman now) and we still regulate sexual activites within marriage. Looks like nothing has changed. The only dynamic society in our country, I believe would be the urban upper middle class where educated woman (and men) are waiting longer to get married and have kids and are not afraid to get out of marriage if its not 'fulfilling'.

So why is it that the system is still working in India and not in the countries the writer has mentioned? The answer, again in my own openion, is in the article itself. The writer talks about how marraige is 'now' expected to give love, fulfillment, intimacy and fadility, etc. In India, we never based our marraiges on these things. It is more like a well oiled machine that works for everybody's benefit. Marriage in India is not 'designed' to provide love but security. Its about mutual co-existance. No doubt that the system has given undue advantage to men at times but we need not forget that the woman are protected in any event. The strong family structure always comes to the her rescue if anything goes wrong. Families, again generated and tied together due to 'marriage'.

The writer writes about how the marraiage will never be 're-establised' again the way it was and if this ever happes in India, there would be a cry for reestablishing it there also, just like its happening now for women's dressing. To this, I would say, go with the flow coz, due to fast paced and challenging life, many peoples lives will simly not include 'marriage' as a choice.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 - 3:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

current Affairs maQyao poXavaanao TaklaolaI link pahuna AjaIbaat AaXcaya- vaaTlaM naahI. southern states maQyao rahUna AaiNa southern Baptists barÜbar kama kÉna AmaorIkotlaa religious undercurrent iktI strong Aaho ho maaihtI hÜtca Ô> Aaja tÜ (a p`karacaI ]GaDpNao maaihtI nasalaolyaa Blue states maQyao pÜhÜcalaa Aaho. maaJaa laaDka columnist Thomas Friedman nao mhMTlyaa p`maaNao Aaplyaalaa vaaTto tI AmaorIka hI Káyaa Amaoirkopoxaa AgadI vaogaLI Aaho AaiNa Bush re-election nao dUQa ka dUQa AaiNa panaI ka panaI JaalaM Aaho. Bill Maher mhNatÜ tsaM we are not a hip country anymore .

malaa Ô> (a evangelists laÜkaMnaI ekda punha [tIhasa vaacaavaa yaovhZca mhNaavasaM vaaTtM.

Friday, May 06, 2005 - 2:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

tr Tony Blair ijaMklao. %yaaMcyaa constituency caa inakala jaahIr kolaa %yaaca live ica~Na yaoqao c-span ³hÜÊ maI baGato kiQatrI c-span ²´ var pihlaa AaiNa AgadI ‘isakMdr - puɒ caI AazvaNa AalaI.

%yaaca AsaM JaalaM kI ijaMkUna Aalyaavar blaoyar saahobaaMnaI sauroK BaaYaNa idlaM. If, and I say, if we win, we have to analyze the victory sensibly and responsibly as its by a reduced majority. AmaorIkna election cyaa result laa mandate m*NaNaayaa- bauXa saarKa arrogance malaa kuzohI idsalaa naahI AaiNa manaÜmana barM vaaTlaM. naMtr %yaacaa p`tIspQaI- ³bahuda A^la laa^kvaUD´ baÜlaayalaa Aalaa AaiNa %yaacaM BaaYaNa eokuna AxarXaÁ DÜL\yaat paNaI AalaM.

%yaacaa 21 vaYaa-caa maulagaa [rak maQyao ‘XahId’ Jaalaa hÜta. %yaacyaa 21saavyaa vaaZidvasaacyaa 6 idvasa AaQaI²²² tÜ mhNaalaaÊ I am not a professional politican. I would be mourning and not campaining if we were not fighting a wrong war for the wrong cause . pUNa- vaoL blaoyar cyaa caoháyaavar k^maora hÜta AaiNa %yaacyaa caoháyaavar ekhI Baava ]maTlaa nahI²²² laa^kvaÜD caI htbalata AaiNa duÁK %yaacyaa AavaajaatUna AÜsaMDuna baaht hÜto. paNaavalaolyaa DÜL\yaaMnaI tÜ yauQdaba_la AaiNa %yaacyaa inarqa-ktoba_la baÜlat hÜta. malaa ho eokuna kaya vaaTlaM ho Xabdat saaMgata yaoNaca Xa@ya nahI.

XaovaTI BBC varca ek vaa@ya blaoyar kama laxaat zovatIla AXaI AaXaa krto.

Tony Blair has won his longed-for third election victory and secured his place in history.

But the prime minister must know that, for the first time, it was despite, rather than because of him.

Sunday, May 08, 2005 - 2:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

I can not help but listen to what Thomas Friedman has to say every once in a while. In his
latest article published on May 6, he talks about how teachers are not interested in teaching and students are not challenged enough. He is amazed by the number of people getting their news from Jon Stewart (and I am a fan) of comedy central. Tom talks about taking courses from a good teacher... he says its important to 'learn to learn'.

I, now get nightmeres about my children (who are not even born yet :-)) going to the american public school some day and not have the passion for learning that I had one day. I would hate summer vacations as there was no school. patte and ambe were not exciting enough. ofcourse, there was enough time to catch up on reading, but the excitement of solving a new math problem everyday was gone. I wonder if our kids will really feel the same. In grad school, the professors were always interested in their own research than the subject they were teaching. It was just like going thro' the motions and get over it. Students, too were more interested in grades not really understanding what they are missing by 'not learning'. I was once talking to Bala, a friend and co-worker about his achievements and how proud he must be .. he said that other than my father, he was never excited by anybody about learning. So it is really upto us, to inspire our kids about learning. We have to teach them to 'learn to learn'... as its futile to expect it from the schools.

Monday, May 09, 2005 - 12:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

(a vaoLI malaa AjaIbaat gifts ideas yaot naahIyao. maaJaa Baacaa jaÜ high school graduate hÜ]na [qauna college laa jaatÜ Aaho %yaacyaasaazI kaya GyaavaM kahI kLtM naahIyao. maulagaa AtIXaya huXaar Aaho. TonaIsa ]<ama KoLtÜ AaiNa DIbaoT maQyao national level var jaIMklaa Aaho. please malaa madt kra.

maaJaI idea hÜtI kI maI ek t-shirt print krto. like '10 best tips on surviving college pNa (acyaa plaIkDo malaa kahI saucat naahIyao ...

Friday, May 13, 2005 - 12:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Who wants to talk to Ann Coulter anyways?

I consider myself a liberal flag barer on HG along with lalu and I invite her to write something about this Coulter gal.

She is, what my beloved Bridget Jones would call her, an American stick insect and I was glad that I was ignorant of her existence... she appears on CNN but obviously a regular on Fox, a channel banned in my household. Just like I can flood this BB with my posts about liking Thomas Friedman, I can now, flood it with disliking Ann Coulter. Her appearance on the Tonight show on Tuesday triggered my curiosity about her and decided to visit her website. It can surely be the most popular anti-liberal propaganda web-site. It only showed me how insecure she is about the republican philosophy.

Her new book, ‘How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter’ is the latest addition to a ton of anti-liberal material already on her website. I was wondering if I should go and get it from the library but read the review on amazon and decided against it. I hear enough one-liners against liberals anyways. I will, thus ignore her forever and go on with my life like she doesn’t exist.

Monday, May 16, 2005 - 3:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

The way we were

Is there such a thing as too much Redford? there isn't. everytime I see him, I just fall all over again for him. But this one is not a guilty pleasure. :-)

kala punha ekda bayaa-ca vaYaa-MnaI The way we were pahIlaa AaiNa punha ekda KUpca AavaDlaa. (a vaoLI maa~ vaogaL\yaaca karNaasaazI AavaDlaa. jaast kahI ilahINaar naahI content ba_la pNa Aaja AsaM laxaat AalaM kI movie caa baracasaa Baaga kaplaolaa Aaho karNa ivaYaya politically sensitive Aaho. pNa jao pahIlaM to [tk sauMdr hÜt kI na@kIca DVD GaoNaar. baGauyaa kaplaolaa Baaga baGaayalaa imaLtÜya kaÆ

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 1:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Sky and the city

Thursday, May 26, 2005 - 1:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

An evening in Harvard

Monday, May 30, 2005 - 1:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

City of Lights

I love New York. The culture, the crowd, the food, the air, the rivers... you name it, I love it. This time, as I took my father along, we decided to take the Grey Line tour (I would highly recommend) and we could visit a lot of places in a short time. As I was clicking away to glory, I had no idea what I was clicking and why. Sitting at home, I was looking at the pictures and made a great discovery (ya, right!) that New York (and I only mean Manhatten by that) has very beautiful and different street lights on most of its streets. To support my claim, here are a few cropped images...

Now I wonder, why the different designs? who designed them? whats the inspiration? when were they installed? Must find out more. All in all, another excuse to visit NY, NY.

Monday, May 30, 2005 - 1:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

My discovery joy lasted one whole day before I found
this. :-(

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - 12:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Are you ready for the Magic? Aha

naahI. ha laoK jaunyaa pepsi commercial ba_la naahIyao. pNa na@kIca ek ilaihta yaošla AazvaNaItlyaa ads ba_la. ha laoK Aaho raÔayala naadola AaiNa rÜjar ÔoDrr (aMcyaa semi final ba_la.

TonaIsa jagaat dynamism KUp Aaho. dr isaJanalaa kÜNaItrI 16 - 17 vaYa-caa maulagaa yaotÜ AaiNa %yaacyaa power game AaiNa %yaahUna powerful service nao sagaL\yaaMnaa caikt krtÜ AaiNa Aata A#Ko 20 vaYa- pUNa- kolaolyaa ‘jaunyaa’ champion laa icaMtaËaMt krtÜ. naadola cyaa gaoma maQyao sports car ca thrill, excitement AaiNa energy Aaho. kalacaI %yaacaI quarter final match baabaaMnaI maaJyaa saazI Top kÉna zovalaI hÜtI. match saMplaI tovha maaJyaaca payaat gaÜLo Aalao hÜto ³pava BaarI naahI hM. gaOrsamaja nakÜ. :-) ´ (acyaa gaoma caaMgalaa Aahoca pNa %yaacaI court cover krNyaacaI xamata AgadI AivaXvasanaIya Aaho. %yaacao on the run passing shots, down the line shots Ahaha... pva-NaIca hÜtI kala.

ÔoDrr ba_la tr ilahavaM tovhZ kmaI. karcaIca ]pmaa VayacaI JaalaI tr ÔoDrr BMW 7 series mhNata yaošla. :-) %yaacaa KoL mhNajao just pure delight. He makes it look so easy . IMHO, ÔoDrr yaovhDM caaMgalaM TonaIsa naa kQaI kÜNaI KoLlaya\ naa kÜNaI KoLola. ³naMVaÊ tÜ idsatÜ ro ArbaaJa Kana saarKa :-( ´%yaacyaa gaoma caa weakness AjaUna trI malaa kLlaa naahIyao.

dusarIkDo Ta^maI rÜbaroDÜ ³ he is so cute :-) ) ijaMkavaa AXaI AaXaa Aaho.

tr XauËvaarI vaoL kaZa AaiNa hI match baGaayalaa ivasa$ naka. I am sure there will be some magic happening on the court .

Monday, June 06, 2005 - 1:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Chalo Wimbledon!!

Before I write anything further, let me got into DJ mode and tell you all how gorgeous Federer's hair is. It has a natural wave and highlight.. OMG, I don't know why he was hiding them into a ponytail!!

So ok, Nadal out played him in the semis. I can see how frustrating playing Nadal can be. I heard myself saying 'how can he get there? how can he do that? I can not believe he was there..' over and over like a million times. Federer did improvise his game for the clay and was really on top of things in the second set but he couldn’t keep the rhythm going and made too many unforced (I am not sure if they were unforced) errors to loose.

The final was a delight to watch. The first set lasted for 1 hr and 10 mins (almost) and every point was hard fought. I almost felt guilty for not supporting a new, young champion. I almost had tears in my eyes when Pureta didn't win the 10th game in the 4th set. I knew that was it for him.

I don't know how much Nadal can do outside of clay. There is much more to tennis than returning every ball and hey, you can not slide on grass. But he did play very well and I salute the energy and enthusiasm in him.

Friday, June 10, 2005 - 1:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

yao tora Gar yao maora Gar

maaJaM [qao kuNaaXaIhI vaOr nahI. kahI laÜkaMXaI maO~I JaalaI Aaho ... pNa Aata malaa %yaa maO~IcaI iBatI vaaTtoya. tI laÜkM Krca ‘tIca’ Aahot kaÆ AaiNa maaJyaaba_lcyaa %yaaMnaa maihtI Asalaolyaa ‘%yaa’ gaÜYTIMvar ]Va jar [qao ek ivanaÜdI kqaa AalaI tr malaa tËar krNyaacaa h@k Aaho kaÆ

maaJyaa mato ihtgauja is a one way street. tumhI [qao yaotaÊ laÜkaMnaa BaoTta AaiNa %yaatUna puZo %yaacaM kahItrI hÜtM ikMvaa hÜt naahI. pNa jar kahI JaalaM tr to kuzlyaahI p`kar ihtgaujavar prt yaota kamaa nayao. baahorcao ragaÊ laÜBaÊ p`omaÊ d\vaoXaÊ ma%sar jar ekmaokaMcyaa saMmatI iXavaaya [qao punha Aalao tr to AyaÜgyaca Aaho AaiNa AaiNa AsaM karayalaa jar tI vya>I dusarM kahI $p Gao}na AalaI tr tÜ gaunhaca hܚla.

Anaok BBs var laÜAkM Aaplao personal problems share krtat. itqao eka Épat sahanauBautI dXa-vaayacaI AaiNa dusayaa- Épat iKllaI ]DvaayacaI ha tr ivaXvaasaGaatca Aaho. jyaa vya>Ilaa tumhI AÜLKt doKIla naahI %yaacyaa BaavanaaMcaa Avamaana krNyaacaa kÜNaalaahI h@k naahI. AsaM jar [qao hÜt Asaola tr to caUkca Aaho AaiNa AahokovaL site cyaa sva$pamauLo ho Xa@ya AsalaM trI p`%yaokanao Aa%maprIxaNa krayalaa hvaM.

(alaa ]paya kayaÆ malaa trI saQyaa ekca idsatÜya.. jyaanaI kÜNaI jaaNaunabaujauna ikMvaa AnavaQaanao ho kolao Asaola.. kuzlyaahI ÉpatÊ %yaanao %yaaba_la sadr vya>IcaI maaÔI maagaavaI AaiNa Asaa p`kar prt hÜNaar naahI (acaI dxata GyaavaI.

sauÉvaat maIca krto. ‘baI’ caI maI Anaok vaoLa PP var caoYTa kolaI Aaho. %yaaba_la xamasva. EaIina cyaa bb varcaM maaJaM ‘maro hue kÜ mat maarܒ was totally inappropriate. maI serious cacao-t AsaM ilahayalaa nakÜ hÜtM. (aiXavaaya jar maI kuNaalaa kQaI hurt kolaM Asaola tr KrÜKrÊ AgadI manaapsaUna maI tumacaI xamaa maagato.

ihtgauja Aaplyaa sagaL\yaaMca Garca Aaho. saaMBaaLuna Gyaa AaiNa xamaa kra. Finally in forrest gump style, that is all I have say about that.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 2:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

A stepwise guide to get away with crimes :

1. Become famous (or infamous).
2. Make sure that you have papparazzi following you for some time to confirm your celebrity status.
3. move to california.
4. You may even consider changing your skin color at this point.
5. Attach yourself to some sort of charity or cause so people have a good image of you in mind.
6. make celebrity friends by throwing parties or buying a ranch.
7. Now, you are ready to commit any crime you like.
8. if you get caught, or sued, hire a famous lawer.
9. Make sure there is plenty of media coverage.
10. Nobody will ever find you guilty for anything.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 - 2:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

so whats more exciting than a intelligent, good looking man trapped in a dangerous situation and working his way out of it? The Man played by Redford :-) .

I watched 'Three days of the Condor' yesterday. I had gone to picke up 'All the presidents men' that a dear friend reminded me to watch after the 'Deep Throat' revealing but alas, there is suddenly a long wait for it.

The movie starts casually on a rainy day in NY where our (more like my) dear Redford works for CIA as a reader and everybody in his office gets killed when he is 'out to lunch'. The plot unfolds into a complex turn of events where there is betryal and passion. The movie has an open ended ending which i just loved.

The plot is universal and timeless. It can be applied to any organization.
³kÜNa mhNatya roÊ [qao pNa kaÆ´ Its about double standards and greed and fear. There are powerful performances in the movie but screenplay and direction take the cake in my openion. The movie is full of gr8 mesmerizing dialogues. Redford simply looks... well, amazing. There is one perticular dialogue in the movie where Faye Dunaway says to him,'I would like to have those eyes around'. :-) Superb.


Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 4:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

The magic continues....

caa ma^naojar AÜLKIcaa Aaho. tÜ [qalaaca %yaamauLo AgadI yaÜgaayaÜgaanao AÜLK JaalaI. %yaanao US Open passes do} kolao pNa baabaa kalaca indiala gaolao %yaamauLo AgadI 4 tasaavar Asalaolyaa [t@yaa sauMdr tournament laa jaata na Aalyaaca %yaaMnaa BayaMkr duÁK JaalaM. %yaaMcaa dusara plan ]Va sauÉ hÜNaarM ivaMbala\Dna\ baGaayacaa hÜta... jaÜ maI pUNa-pNao haNauna paDlaa. ek AazvaDa break Gao}naÊ p^irsa hÜ]na laMDna laa jaa]na imaLola tI ma^ca baGyaayacaI AaiNa puZo doXaat JaayacaM Asaa ‘ÔMDu’ plan %yaaMnaI kolaa hÜta. %yaaMca saamaanaÊ vhIsaa p`a^blaoma AaiNa tbyaot ho sagalaM baGata saaQaarNa dÜna maihnao laagalao %yaaMcaI samajaut kaZNyaat.

ivaMbala\Dna\ Aahoca AsaM. Balyaa BalyaaMAa vaoD laavaNaarM. prMpra AaiNa vyaavasaayaIktocaa sauroK saMgama. itqalao ~\hovaašk hvaamaana AaiNa AXa@ya XaaMt basaNaarI laÜkM sagaLca KoLacaI rMjakta vaaZvaNaarM. sT/a^baorI AaiNa ËIma AaiNa XaÐponaÊ ]nhat eKad TonaIsa ma^gaJaIna caaLt basaNaM AaiNa caohyaa-var kmaIt kmaI Baava daKvaNaM. Aata ho vaacauna tumhalaa vaaTola maI Anaok vaoLa itqao gaolao Aaho. pNa AgadI iÔlmaI sTašla maQyao ‘maO tna sao nahI laokIna mana sao kš baar vaha gayaI hUÐ.’

maI Aqaa-tca ÔoDrr laa sapÜT- krNaar Aaho AaiNa maulaIMmaQyao XaarpÜvha. kaihhI JaalaM trI KUp sauMdr TonaIsa baGaayalaa imaLNaar ho na@kI.

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 1:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

I was torn apart yesterday between wimbledon highlights and NBA finals and navara called. CBS laav ga. are paN kaay aahe? bagh naa... are paN .. bagh tarii... ads chalu aahet... thamb jara don miniTa... game changala chally tikaDe... aga all time gr8 movie lines daakhavataayat.. game mii baghto kahi jahla tar sangen tula.. tu he bagh. aaNi ho, host kon aahe he bagh aaNi tharav baghaayacha kii naahii te. he put the phone down. I obviously waited till the host showed up and then obviously... I continued watching the program.

Here are the top 10 lines from the show.. well, i just ended up watching the end so I wouldn't even know abt the other 90. :-(

10. You talkin to me? - Taxi driver
9. Fasten your seatbelts (its gonna be a bumby ride/night) - All about Eve
8. May the Force be with you. - need I say... Star wars
7. Alright Mr. Demille, I am ready for my shot. - Sunset Boulevard
6. Go ahead, make my day - Dirty Harry
5. Here is looking at you, kid - Casablanca
4. Toto, I have a feeling, we are not in kansas anymore. - The wizard of Oz
3. I coulda been a contender - on the waterfront
2. I am going to make him an offer - The Godfather

and the Greatest movie line of all times is....

1. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn! - Gone with the wind

tii line no. 4 upaas dar weekend la mhanat asato asa aikun aahe. If it were upto me, my no. 1 and 2 would be casablanca and Star wars..... hmm, may thats why its not upto. :-) What are your favorites?

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 1:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

elaayaJaaÊ AitXaya Cana kaya-Ëma hÜta. AaiNa tU mhNatosa tsaM host kÜNa Aaho ho paihlyaavar dusaáyaa ca^nalakDo vaLNaM malaahI
Xa@ya JaalaM nasatM. baaÐDmaQalao dÜna saMvaad yaa yaadIt AahotÊ pNa dÜnhI ka^narIcyaa ica~pTamaQalao.

22. Bond. James Bond. AaiNa
90. A martini. Shaken, not stirred.

Casablanca maQaIla saha saMvaad yaa yaadIt Aalao yaat AaXcaya- kahIca naahI.

5. Here's looking at you, kid.
20. Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
28. Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.'
32. Round up the usual suspects.
43. We'll always have Paris.
67. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.

yaat Lord of the Rings, Titanic, When Harry Met Sally, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial maQaIla ekok saMvaad AahoÊ Terminator series maQaIla dÜna.

85. My precious.
100. I'm king of the world!
33. I'll have what she's having.
15. E.T. phone home.
37. I'll be back.
78. Hasta la vista, baby.

iXavaaya yaadImaQalao kahI AitXaya gaajalaolao saMvaad

Houston, we have a problem.
Love means never having to say you're sorry.
The stuff that dreams are made of.
They call me Mister Tibbs!
Made it, Ma! Top of the world!
There's no place like home.
Show me the money!
You can't handle the truth!
After all, tomorrow is another day!
Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
I see dead people.
Well, nobody's perfect.
You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?
You had me at "hello."
Elementary, my dear Watson.

AaiNa rcanaaÊ Forrest Gump maQalaa tÜ saMvaad Aahoca yaadIt.

maaJyaasaazI pihlaa ËmaaMk Aaho
"Here's looking at you, kid." .

AFI vaalyaaMcaa Casablanca AavaDta ica~pT Aaho And not without a reason. :-)

ho ‘ip`yaa’ cao dad - saMvaad maQalao post itcyaa saMmatInao [qao Takto Aaho. Qanyavaad ip`yaa.

ip`yaa laa sauQda host KUp AvaDtÜ ho vaacauna baro vaaTlao. :-)

Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 1:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

ha baGaa host . :-)  

sagaLo quotes
[qao Aahot.

Friday, June 24, 2005 - 1:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

and we have one too...

I liked abe's idea and hence opened this group. I have also created a poll there so you all can go and vote. The poll is open till the 1st of july.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 - 2:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

(a group maQyao Aata 34 maoMbasa- Aahot AaiNa ‘Aaja pUjaa kla kܚ dujaa’ ha Dayalaa^ga saQyaa naM 1 Aaho.

puZcaa pÜla Ô> Aaja AaiNa ]Va voting saazI Kulaa Aaho.. ‘ivaMbala\Dna\ kÜNa ijaMkNaarƒ

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 11:08 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Thanks so much for supporting the group and voting on both the polls. I see that 9 ppl have not voted on the hindi dialogue poll. The voting is anonymous now so don't be shy. :-) Today is the last day for Wimbledon poll.

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शुभंकरोती कल्याणम्
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