C || Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah: ||  HOROSCOPE  --------- Name of Person : RAJ Father's Name : Mother's Name : B i r t h D a t e# : 04-10-1971 B i r t h D a y # : Monday B i r t h T i m e# : 04:45:00 J a n m a L a g n a : LEO B i r t h R a s i : PISCES B i r t h Nakshtra : Uttara-Bhadrapada Charana : 2 Sun Sign (Western Style): LIBRA Y o n i : GAW G a n a : MANUSHYA Y u n j a : ANTYA N a d i : MADYA V a r n a : BRAHMIN H a n s a k : VARI B i r t h P l a c e# : BOMBAY Latitude of Birth Place : 18-96 N Longitude of BirthPlace : 72-82 E Standard Diff. From GMT : 05:30:00 R.A.M.C. : 074-04-51 Ayanamsha (Chitra Based): 023-27-56 Vishomtari Dasa Planet : SATURN Total Years of Dasa : 19 Years Past in Dasa : 7-09-24 Balance Years in Dasa : 11-02-07 Lucky Elements Lucky C o l o u r s : White, Dark Blue Lucky Stones / Gems : Topaz, Diamond GhataChakra Ghata Month (Indian) : FALGUN Tithi (Indian) : 5-10-15 D a y : FRIDAY N a k s h t r a : AASHLESHA Y o g a : VAJRA K a r a n a : CHATUSHPAD P r a h a r a : 4th Male Moon Position : 12th Female Moon Position : 12th Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:01 Nakshatra Horoscope Software Planetary Positions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet.Name Ra-Dg-Mt-Sc Rasi Name Nakshatra Name Pad Navmansha Rasi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ascendant 04-21-31-32 LEO Purva-Falguni 3 LIBRA M.C. 01-21-52-13 TAURUS Rohini 4 CANCER SUN 05-16-37-24 VIRGO Hasta 2 TAURUS MOON 11-08-49-01 PISCES Uttara-Bhadrapada 2 VIRGO MARS 09-22-18-21 CAPRICORN Shravan 4 CANCER MERCURY 05-13-00-47 VIRGO Hasta 1 ARIES JUPITER 07-09-56-33 SCORPIO Anuradha 2 VIRGO VENUS 05-26-36-47 VIRGO Chitra 1 LEO SATURN 01-12-52-26 TAURUS Rohini 1 ARIES RAHU 09-17-52-40 CAPRICORN Shravan 3 GEMINI KETU 03-17-52-40 CANCER Ashlesha 1 SAGITTARIUS HARSHAL 05-20-08-57 VIRGO Hasta 4 CANCER NEPTUNE 07-07-33-09 SCORPIO Anuradha 2 VIRGO PLUTO 05-06-20-06 VIRGO Uttara-Falguni 3 AQUARIUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cusp Of Houses According to Indian System --------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Bhavas Sandhi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 04-21-31-32 05-06-34-59 02 05-21-38-26 06-06-41-52 03 06-21-45-19 07-06-48-46 04 07-21-52-13 08-06-48-46 05 08-21-45-19 09-06-41-52 06 09-21-38-26 10-06-34-59 07 10-21-31-32 11-06-34-59 08 11-21-38-26 00-06-41-52 09 00-21-45-19 01-06-48-46 10 01-21-52-13 02-06-48-46 11 02-21-45-19 03-06-41-52 12 03-21-38-26 04-06-34-59 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JanmaKundli ****************************************************************** ** *** *** * 7* * 5 * * 3* * * VEN HAR PLU * ASC * * * * * SUN MER * *KET * * * * 6 * * 4 * * * * * * * * 8 * * 2 * * * * JUP NEP *** ************* SAT * * * * *** ************* * * * * *** **** * * ** ********************** *** * * **** *** * 1 * * 9 * ************* *** * * * * ************* *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10 * * 12 * * * * MAR RAH * * MON * * * * * * * * * * * 11 * * * ** *** *** ****************************************************************** Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:02 Nakshatra Horoscope Software RasiChakra Kundli ****************************************************************** ** *** *** * 2* * 12 * * 10* *SAT * * ASC MON * * MAR * * * * * * RAH * * * 1 * * 11 * * * * * * * * 3 * * 9 * * * * *** ************* * * * * *** ************* * * * * *** **** * * ** ********************** *** * * **** *** * 8 * * 4 * ************* *** * JUP NEP* *KET * ************* *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * 7 * * * * * VEN HAR PLU * * * * * * SUN MER * * * * * * 6 * * * ** *** *** ****************************************************************** Navmansha Kundli ****************************************************************** ** *** *** * 9* * 7 * * 5* *KET * * ASC *NEP * VEN * * * * *MON JUP * * * * 8 * * 6 * * * * * * * * 10 * * 4 * * * * *** ************* MAR HAR * * * * *** ************* * * * * *** **** * * ** ********************** *** * * **** *** * 3 * * 11 * ************* *** * RAH * *PLU * ************* *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 12 * * 2 * * * * * * SUN * * * * * MER SAT * * * * * * 1 * * * ** *** *** ****************************************************************** Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:03 Nakshatra Horoscope Software LEO KNOW YOURSELF As you are born in this ascendant sign, stars indicate that you have a kingly physique, broad shoulders, and a sharp and quick eyesight. Well, lucky you, because that makes you very handsome if you are a guy and very attractive if you are a girl. On the health front, you shall have no problems as you are very healthy. NATURE LEO... THE ROARING LION. As you are born in a royal sign, you have in-bred leadership qualities. You succeed in all that you do, and are a born politician. You establish your superiority very easily and enjoy the taste of power, which will be yours without any effort. You are an active volcano, always on the verge of eruption, as you are very short tempered. You believe in treading on paths that you have paved. That is why you would rather give orders than obey them. You are a person who is a "go getter" in life, as you have a progressive nature. You are a generous person at heart and there is no doubt that you are brave. A LION NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION, and nor do you. Although you are reserved, you enjoy being the center of attention. You feast on publicity and will go to extremes to improve your image in public. You also love to be the talk of the town. One thing that you feel as below your dignity, is stretching your hand forward to ask for a favour. You always like to be on the giving side rather than the receiving. Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:04 Nakshatra Horoscope Software SUN You are a smooth talker and charm your way through every situation. You may have some dental problems, hence you are advised to always have your name on your dentist's list. You may undergo some financial problems at the age of 17. After the age of 30, you may develop some eye problems. Hence I would like to advice you not to strain your eyes. MOON Stars indicate that you have a Bal- arishta phase during your childhood. So as you have the moon in the eighth house, eight days from your birth, or eight months from birth, or eight years from your birth are crucial. It is during this period that you shall have problems on the health front. Hence, you are advised to be careful. You are also advised to stay away from water, as your stars forecast that at the age of 35, you may have a water accident. You normally are the sort that puts in less efforts has more returns. This will earn you more money. MARS You shall always have the edge over your rivals. Your subordinates shall be envious of you, hence causing you a lot of unhappiness and uncalled for tension. A result oriented person is what you are and hence you put in all your efforts to make your results fruitful. Your stars indicate that you will need to work harder to wear the crown of success. MERCURY Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:05 Nakshatra Horoscope Software You have a diplomatic nature and your biggest blessing is the gift of speech, which is impressive. You also happen to rank tops in the list of chatter-boxes. You are very practical and decisive in financial terms. Ups and downs are a part of everybody's lives. In your case, the down phase shall be in financial terms when you will be 26 years. At the age of 36, there is a very bright chance of you earning good money. JUPITER You will gain through compromise in business deals and through proper planning. Investment in tangible and fixed assets shall earn you profits. There are good prospects of your earning money after 22. No hindrances in your educational line. Suitable professional lines for you are medicine, teaching, and preaching. Old age shall be ripe and fruitful, and shall bring a lot of happiness and contentment. VENUS You are a lover of art and have hobbies including collecting stamps, antiques, etc. You happen also to be the owner of expressive eyes, and hence you are lucky, as they say that the eyes can say it all. Things come your way on a golden platter. There is a possibility that you could make a good artist. You enjoy spending each and every day having fun and smiling all the way. Success will come your way with the arrival of your spouse, through marriage. Grand success shall break through your life after the age of 60 years. SATURN Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:06 Nakshatra Horoscope Software Your rise and fall can be compared to that of Hitler, because you will rise to a pinnacle very fast, but your fall will be equally fast or even faster. During your climb, you will earn for yourself a lot of popularity along the line. Hence, you are advised not to enter politics. Fields that will bring you good returns are the metal business, coals, the mining business, etc. You will have differences with your father on many subjects. RAHU You are extremely lucky. Hence, you have to put in lesser efforts as compared to the others, and your dues shall be more than what you put in. Yours is the success beyond imagination, as stars indicate that Rahu shall overrun the non-beneficial results of speculation as indicated by other planets. Hence you shall earn well through speculation. You shall always have the edge over your rivals and enemies, which will put you on the stronger side and them on the weaker. You may have a beauty spot on your back or stomach. KETU You are a philanthropist in the true sense of the word, and that too a generous one. You make donations to institutes and trusts, but always in secrecy. You may have some eye and leg problems, so my only advice to you is do not strain your eyes or legs(pun intended). Software Developed by Vijay Raj Bhatter (vijay@cyberax.net) Page No:07